Microsoft Power Platform (PL-100) Exam Questions 2025 (Microsoft Power Platform App Maker)
- We are offering 1000 latest real Microsoft Power Platform (PL-100) Exam Questions for practice, which will help you to score higher in your exam.
- Aim for above 85% or above in our mock exams before giving the main exam.
- Do review wrong & right answers and thoroughly go through explanations provided to each question which will help you understand the question.
- Master Cheat Sheet was prepared by instructors which contain personal notes of them for all exam objectives. Carefully written to help you all understand the topics easily.
- It is recommended to use the Master Cheat Sheet just before 2-3 days of the main exam to cram the important notes.
- Weekly updates: We have a dedicated team updating our question bank on a regular basis, based on the feedback of students on what appeared on the actual exam, as well as through external benchmarking.
The app maker builds solutions to simplify, automate, and transform tasks and processes for themselves and their team where they have deep expertise in the solution domain. They are skilled in key technical business analyst tasks such as data modeling, basic UX design, requirements analysis, process analysis, etc.
The app maker creates and enforces business processes, structures digital collection of information, improves efficiency of repeatable tasks, and automates business processes.
The app maker uses the maker tools of Power Platform to solve business problems. They may have experience with Visual Basic for Applications, Excel pivot tables, Teams, and other tools. They should have a basic understanding of data models, user interface, and processes. The app maker is aware of the capabilities and limitations of available tools and understands how to apply them.
The app maker is self-directed, and solution focused. They may not have formal IT training but are comfortable using technology to solve business problems with a personal growth mindset. They understand the operational need and have a vision of the desired outcome. They approach problems with phased and iterative strategies.
It is recommended to have below knowledge when attempting the Microsoft Power Platform (PL-100) Exam Questions
- Builds solutions to simplify, automate, and transform tasks and processes for themselves and their team where they have deep expertise in the solution domain.
- Implement key technical business analyst tasks such as data modelling, basic UX design, requirements analysis, process analysis, etc.
- Creates and enforces business processes, structures digital collection of information, improves the efficiency of repeatable tasks, and automates business processes.
- Uses the maker tools of Power Platform to solve business problems.
Skills measured
- Design solutions (10-15%)
- Create solutions (50-55%)
- Analyze data (5-10%)
- Implement and manage solutions (15-20%)
Exam Format Microsoft Power Platform PL-100
Exam Name: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker
Exam Code: PL-100
Exam Duration: 150 mins
Exam Format: Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions
Exam Type: Power Platform
Number of Questions: 40-60 Questions
Eligibility/Pre-Requisite: NIL
Exam Fee: $165 USD
Exam Language: English
Pass Score: 700 (on a scale of 1-1000)
Part of the requirements for: Microsoft Certified: Power Platform App Maker Associate
Refer SkillCertPro FAQ if you have any doubts :
Biswamohan R –
This course is an exceptional value. The practice exams are of very high quality, along with the full and complete explanations of each question. I credit this course with my successful passing of the PL-100 exam.
Shruti Taywade –
Passed today. These questions are a great approximation of the exam. Read the answers, esp where you missed or guessed. Glad I found this practice test pack.
Henry Gibbs –
I studied for 4 weeks, with some theoretical but little hands on experience coming from a Sales/Marketing background in the DevOps space. I had difficulty with the exams, testing between 67-80% on the practice tests, and was nervous I wouldn’t pass.. But when the day came to take the actual test, I found that the real test was easier than the practice exams and passed with 930. I found Skillcertpro exams to be similar.
Constance Leonard –
I got scores above 90% and succeed on my exam with 930 score, im quite exceptical of skillcertpro courses but this exams are amazing, waiting for more content of you guys!
Lutfi Saadeh –
This is good for candidates trying the PL-100 exam. Helps you gain confidence and become familiar with the pattern of questions. Detailed explanations help you understand the concepts in depth, as far as this certification is concerned. Passed!
Santos Hanson –
This set of tests was so helpful! They showed me how much I didn’t know. They were more than just test questions. They showed me what areas I was weak in, and let me review the questions I marked for review, or the questions I got wrong, etc. And they had good explanations for everything.
This told me that taking the video course alone wasn’t enough. I’m really happy that I took this practice tests.