Passing the AWS Developer exam as a beginner is achievable with the right resources and study plan. I successfully prepared for this certification over four months, dedicating around two hours daily to studying. Here are key insights and tips based on my experience:

Study Approach and Resources

I began my journey with no prior professional experience in AWS. I found Adrian Cantrell’s course and Tutorial Dojo’s practice exams particularly valuable. These resources provided comprehensive content and practical labs that were instrumental in understanding AWS services deeply.

Time Management and Commitment

Consistency is crucial when preparing for AWS certifications. By studying regularly for a few hours each day, I was able to grasp both fundamental and advanced topics required for the exam. This approach not only helped in passing the Solutions Architect Associate exam beforehand but also laid a solid foundation for the Developer exam.

Focus on Fundamentals

Understanding core concepts such as networking and encryption proved essential not just for the exam but also for real-world applications. Building a strong knowledge base in these areas not only facilitated exam success but also prepared me for practical scenarios in cloud computing.

Effective Study Techniques

Active learning methods, such as regular question and answer sessions and using tools like Anki for spaced repetition, significantly boosted my retention and understanding of AWS concepts. This approach was more effective than traditional note-taking and ensured that I was well-prepared for the exam.

Exam Preparation Tips

Booking the exam in advance and choosing a quiet, distraction-free environment for the test were critical. Being mindful of AWS exam guidelines, including managing time effectively during the test, contributed to a smooth exam experience.

Result Notification

After completing the exam, it’s important to note that AWS takes time to review exam footage before providing results. This process ensures accuracy but may lead to a slight delay in receiving results. Patience during this period is essential.


The AWS Developer exam is accessible to beginners willing to invest time and effort in preparation. Whether you’re a recent graduate or switching careers, leveraging quality study resources and maintaining a disciplined study schedule can lead to success in achieving AWS certifications.

By following these insights and tips, I not only passed the AWS Developer exam but also gained confidence in my abilities to work effectively with AWS cloud services. Start your AWS certification journey today with these proven strategies!

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