Refund & Cancellation Policy

  1. We offer 100% Money Back Guarantee in case if you fail the exam in first attempt after going through our practice tests.
  2. In case if you failed the exam. Refund must be claimed within 60 days of purchase. No refunds will be issued post 60th day.
  3. We have no questions asked policy. However if we think you’re misusing our refund policy, we hold right to ask for proof of failure to process the refund.
  4. We hold 0.99$ transaction fee on all refunds we process.
  5. We do not entertain refunds for incorrect course purchases & course replacement requests. .

How to Initiate the Refund Request?

  • Go to
  • Provide the required details such as registered email address, subject, description, and select the issue type (i.e. Payment – Request for Refund) and Submit.

One of our support team members will contact you regarding your refund request. You can also contact us at [email protected] when you need assistance in cancellation or refund.

Please note that all refunds will be processed within 2 business days after the request is received
However, it might take 3-5 business days for the amount to reflect in your account, depends on your bank.

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