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Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) Exam Questions 2025

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  • Contains 775 Questions
  • Total Mock Exams: 13
  • Taken exclusively from the previous real exams.
  • Last updated: 31-Jan-2025
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Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) Exam Questions 2025

Overview :

The Java SE 8 Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) certification helps you build a foundational understanding of Java, and gaining this certification credential is the first of two steps in demonstrating you have the high-level skills needed to become a professional Java developer.

  • Format:: Multiple Choice
  • Duration: 150
  • Exam Price: $150
  • Number of Questions: 70
  • Passing Score: 65%
  • Validation:This exam has been written for the Java SE 8 release

Java Basics 

  • Define the scope of variables
  • Define the structure of a Java class
  • Create executable Java applications with a main method; run a Java program from the command line; produce console output
  • Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code
  • Compare and contrast the features and components of Java such as: platform independence, object orientation, encapsulation, etc.

Using Operators and Decision Constructs 

  • Use Java operators; use parentheses to override operator precedence
  • Test equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals ()
  • Create if and if/else and ternary constructs
  • Use a switch statement

Using Loop Constructs 

  • Create and use while loops
  • Create and use for loops including the enhanced for loop
  • Create and use do/while loops
  • Compare loop constructs
  • Use break and continue

Working with Inheritance 

  • Describe inheritance and its benefits
  • Develop code that makes use of polymorphism; develop code that overrides methods;  differentiate between the type of a reference and the type of an object
  • Determine when casting is necessary
  • Use super and this to access objects and constructors
  • Use abstract classes and interfaces

Working with Selected classes from the Java API 

  • Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods
  • Create and manipulate Strings
  • Create and manipulate calendar data using classes from java.time.LocalDateTime,  java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter, java.time.Period
  • Declare and use an ArrayList of a given type
  • Write a simple Lambda expression that consumes a Lambda Predicate expression

Assume the following:

  • Missing package and import statements: If sample code do not include package or import statements, and the question does not explicitly refer to these missing statements, then assume that all sample code is in the same package, or import statements exist to support them.
  • No file or directory path names for classes: If a question does not state the file names or directory locations of classes, then assume one of the following, whichever will enable the code to compile and run:
    • All classes are in one file
    • Each class is contained in a separate file, and all files are in one directory
  • Unintended line breaks: Sample code might have unintended line breaks. If you see a line of code that looks like it has wrapped, and this creates a situation where the wrapping is significant (for example, a quoted String literal has wrapped), assume that the wrapping is an extension of the same line, and the line does not contain a hard carriage return that would cause a compilation failure.
  • Code fragments: A code fragment is a small section of source code that is presented without its context. Assume that all necessary supporting code exists and that the supporting environment fully supports the correct compilation and execution of the code shown and its omitted environment.
  • Descriptive comments: Take descriptive comments, such as “setter and getters go here,” at face value. Assume that correct code exists, compiles, and runs successfully to create the described effect.

Working With Java Data Types 

  • Declare and initialize variables (including casting of primitive data types)
  • Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variables
  • Know how to read or write to object fields
  • Explain an Object’s Lifecycle (creation, “dereference by reassignment” and garbage collection)
  • Develop code that uses wrapper classes such as Boolean, Double, and Integer

Creating and Using Arrays 

  • Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional array
  • Declare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional arrays

Working with Methods and Encapsulation 

  • Create methods with arguments and return values; including overloaded methods
  • Apply the static keyword to methods and fields
  • Create and overload constructors; differentiate between default and user defined constructors
  • Apply access modifiers
  • Apply encapsulation principles to a class
  • Determine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed  into methods that change the values

Handling Exceptions 

  • Differentiate among checked exceptions, unchecked exceptions, and Errors
  • Create a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flow
  • Describe the advantages of Exception handling
  • Create and invoke a method that throws an exception
  • Recognize common exception classes (such as NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException)

Practice all the tests multiple times and make sure you score above 85% in each of them

Go through each of the reference links and detailed explanation to make sure you understand the concepts for both the right and wrong answer.

Finally, as always we strive to make the content as unique and accurate as possible, but with the fast pace changes in the Cloud space, some of the concepts and. documentation is bound to be stale. We appreciate your constant feedback to help improve us further.

Our Instructors keep an eye on changes and will update the questions frequently

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Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) Exam Questions
Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) Exam Questions 2025
Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) Exam dumps

10 reviews for Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) Exam Questions 2025

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Nathaniel Settle

    I could not have done it without Skillcertpro! I took all of the mock exams, so I could study while testing my knowledge. The explanations are excellent! Best one I took.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Antonio Caligiuria

    Passed! These tests are awesome. Really coverd most questions on the exam. You also provided very good explanation to the answers. Was very helpful to know the concepts more in detail. Highly recommend doing these test multiple times and understand the reasoning. Thank you.

  3. Tyler Cloetingh
    Rated 4 out of 5

    Tyler Cloetingh

    Good content and explanations, docking a star because the formatting is not that great

  4. Rated 5 out of 5



  5. Rated 5 out of 5

    Evelyn Lucas

    These practice tests were extremely similar to what the actual test used. I took each of the practice tests multiple times until I was able to get 95% plus each time. Make sure to take notes and study based on what you get wrong on each practice test and you will do fine on the actual test. Passed!

  6. Rated 5 out of 5

    Rajiv Kumar

    Thank you for the practice test, the questions covers each and every topic in Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) certification. This is not a certification dump but should be considered as a source to deepen your knowledge. I could relate almost all the questions in certification exam to practice exam(few Questions were not exactly same but intent were same). I was able to score 94% as the explanations to practice questions were thorough and accurate. Thank you again. God bless

  7. Rated 5 out of 5

    Arjun Jain

    I like the way the explanation was given to the correct answers at the end of test. It helped me a lot to gain knowledge on important topics.

  8. Josephat maina
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Josephat maina

    Passed. I found it difficult to read books and decided to learn through these practise tests. I would advise you to not cram but understand every explanation for each answer whether correct or wrong. In the entire exam ,I had only one similar question from these practise tests. Use these practise tests as a means of gaining understanding and you’ll for sure get a good score

  9. Rated 5 out of 5

    Nithin Mohan

    These practice tests really helped me to get a great score. The answers are well explained along with a link to corresponding documentation. The difficulty level for the main exam was at par with these practice tests. Most of my questions followed similar patterns. I strongly recommend taking these practice tests.

  10. Rated 4 out of 5

    Frank Smith

    About to buy, looks good!

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